M-16 AR-15 Rifle parts news
M-16 AR-15 Rifle parts news for April
[Want To Sell] Custom AR-15
By BerksCountyDave
Very nice AR for sale. The upper is only a couple of months old. The lower is about 2 years old. Olympic lower (forged, not cast. Made in 2008, WELL.
Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Associati... - http://forum.pafoa.org/
[Want To Sell] AR-15 DPMS
By mdsals
AR-15 m-4 flat top .223/ 5.56 Included are scope, light and laser combo, 2- 30 round mags, 1 - 5 round mag and original hardcase. used very little. $
Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Associati... - http://forum.pafoa.org/