M-16 AR-15 Rifle parts news May 04
M-16 AR-15 Rifle parts news for May 04
Setting headspace for AR-15 in 223 - Learning to Handload ...
I need help on finding the correct headspace for the 223 that will be shot in AR-15. How do I go about finding that? Is each rifle headspace specific (do I need to find that info for each rifle)? Seems like the military must have a way ...
Clean ar15 rifle | How-To Topic « Wonder How To
Clean ar15 rifle |► Watch how to videos & articles tagged "clean ar15 rifle" on Wonder How To, like Disassemble and clean a bolt in an AR-15 rifle, ...
running a pistol with a rifle buffer assembly - AR15.COM
If this is accurate, it would seem to me that the rifle buffer assembly ... I am running an 11.5" pistol w/ normal rifle length tube & buffer & that ACE ...
AR15.com CLASSIFIEDS - Bushmaster Target Model Rifle A3 20
Bushmaster Target Model Rifle A3 20" SS Product Description: The Target Models qualify as the "standards" of our line available with Chrome Lined Heavy ...
AR15 Pro - Defensive Carbine: To Gap or Not to Gap
By Marshall Wirig
Some of you may have noticed the gap between the trigger guard and grip on the AR15, and not in a good way. For me, it has never been an issue, just because of the way that I hold the grip, personally, but if it is an issue for you, ...
Illinois banning AR-15's threatens jobs « Geeks With Guns
By donttreadonme
Illinois banning AR-15's threatens jobs. Illinois House members are preparing to vote on a bill to ban the sale of certain firearms by Illinois gun manufacturers to Illinois residents. The legislation would affect four area gun ...
Home on the Range: I BRAKE FOR AR-15s - The Wilson Combat Tactical
By Brigid
Then imagine up to 30 rounds for consecutive shots. Coyotes or other pesky critters trying to take what is yours? This would do the trick. The Wilson Combat Tactical AR-15 in trained hands, is a a good choice. ...
AR-15 Mid-Length Barrel - Practical Machinist - Largest ...
By Farallongroup
I picked up a Shilen barrel that is a heavy bull profile with an extension that they threaded the barrel for but did not chamber or pin the extension